Your One Stop Shop for Woodworking Enthusiasts & Business Owners
The Woodworker's Association will help you "level-up" your woodworking hobby or business. Who has the time to manually sift through the web to find quality woodworking instruction, videos, blogs, leads, business listings, or products? We hand-curate this information for you so that you spend less time in front of a screen and more time doing what you love! We also offer annual membership packages with a whole suite of services to help you refine your craft.
After being in the woodworking biz for over a decade, our team in Eugene, Oregon, felt like it was high time for an online community just for folks like us! But as you can imagine virtual scrolling just isn't how we want to spend our time. So we put our heads together and came up with this site, hand curating all of the most helpful woodworking information whether you're a weekend wood warrior or a full-time business owner we're trying to create more wood artists in the world!
Explore the rest of our site to learn more about what we have to offer, and get in touch with any questions. woodworkersassociation.com is here for you.